Best Writing Essay
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Eddie and beatrice created and sustained Essay Example for Free
Think about your own understanding of progress and change the executives - Case Study Example At the area where I used to beforehand work, there existed a ton of confusion particularly when it came to sorting out reports, which worried about uses of different programming projects, given that the interface connecting virtual products now and again made trouble (Gill, 2002). The difficulties that we experienced while utilizing different applications simultaneously brought about a definitive report appearing to be fairly disarranged in certain examples. Having experienced such an encounter set me up adequately for the difficulties in the field, and I took in various exercises that have helped me from that point onward. Clearly any new experience presents new hindrances in the smooth progression of work since endless changes must be implemented for congruity of the same old thing. I was incited to buckle down in my undertaking to demonstrate my hypothesis of progress as the best and just way out of the good old framework. In the long run, similarly as the familiar axiom goes, â€Å"Good things go to the individuals who wait,†my vigorous endeavors were showed when the administration capitulated and in the end executed my change hypothesis. The change was not moment. It took a long time until it started to appear that my endeavors were a pointless activity. By the by I had the profound conviction that by one way or another there should be somebody in our demographic who might see the broad and immaculate introduction of information in our organization. I likewise had a group that was not unsettled and which had apparently higher expectations than mine considering the way that my hypothesis of progress was unfamiliar to them before I raised it. With time, it was clear that the organization needed to change with the occasions consequently I was by and by mentioned to disregard the upgrading of the framework completely with the help of experts from different organizations and obviously my devoted colleagues. Before the finish of the update of the framework, I had a helped
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Muslim and Hebrew Holy Books Show That These Religions Have More Essay
The Muslim and Hebrew Holy Books Show That These Religions Have More in Commom than in Discord - Essay Example Yet, when we come to contemplate and examine these two religions from their very roots and essentials, we understand that these two religions share a bigger number of things for all intents and purpose than some other religions. contrasting these two religions and one another and afterward with different religions of the world, more similitudes have been found in the middle of these two religions than in some other religions of world. To begin with the most essential and significant thing, the supporters of both these religions have confidence in ONE GOD. Both the religions have dismissed the presence of more than one God and have prompted their adherents to adore the unrivaled genuine God who is the maker of this entire universe. The Islam and Judaism should direct their supporters towards a real existence which is loaded with agreement, harmony and heavenly nature. Both these religions share much in like manner when it comes living regular daily existence. Islam and Judaism manage their adherents towards thriving. At the point when it comes towards laws, the supporters of both the religions will in general live their lives as per the laws passed on by their God and adhere to the lifestyle characterized by their religions. Both the Islamic and Hebrew laws (Shria’ and Halakhah) manage their devotees in living regular daily existence, in family matter, in their own conduct towards others and in their occupations. Both these religions will in general guide their adherents more in following what is requested by the God than following individual mentality and what the world needs to state. The adherents of both Islam and Judaism live their lives as characterized by the God and the ambassadors sent by the God: Muhammad and Abraham. (Rosen 2003) Islam and Judaism both have worried on a day of judgment when one should reply pretty much all the things he did in his life. He will be remunerated for what he did great and will be rebuffed for his wrongdoings. The p ossibility of the life here after and the prizes in it are applauded by both the religions. in the event that we investigate the Holy books of these religions for example The Quran and The Torah, we find numerous likenesses, not just in the messages sent somewhere near the God yet additionally in the occasions that have been portrayed in these Holy books portraying the historical backdrop of God’s Messengers and their lives. For instance the case of Abraham and His Wife Sarah about Sarah being too old to even think about having a kid are described also in both the books. â€Å"Abraham and Sarah were old, and Sarah had quit having her month to month time frames. So Sarah chuckled to herself. At that point the Lord asked Abraham, Why Sarah giggled and stated, 'Can I truly have a youngster when I am so old?' Is anything unreasonably hard for the Lord?†(The Torah) a similar occasion is portrayed in The Quran like this: â€Å"And his better half (Sarah) was holding on; sh e snickered, in this manner We gave her the happy news of Isaac, and after Isaac, of Jacob. She stated, 'Poor me! Will I bear, being an elderly person? This without a doubt is an odd thing.’ They stated, 'What, dost thou wonder about God's order? The benevolence of God and His endowments arrive, O individuals of the House! Sure He is All-excellent, All-glorious.’†(The Quran) The depiction of these two occurrences demonstrates the comparability even in the Holy books of the two religions. Also, the Holy books of these two religions have conveyed the message of the God through His emissaries. The devotees of both the religions have confidence in God, His couriers and the Day of Judgment. The adherents of both the religions accept that there are a lot of likenesses in these religions as they are largely the relatives of Abraham and furthermore as per the custom of Abraham the guys of both the social orders are circumsized (Rosen 2003).
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Participating Japan in Trans Pacific Partnership
Participating Japan in Trans Pacific Partnership Trans Pacific Partnership Mar 26, 2018 in Case Studies Introduction The proclamation of the Japanese Authority on delaying the 2011 resolution to whether to be part of the suggested Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) can be understood under consideration of the disaster that happened at Tohoku part of Japan. It is understandable that Japanese Government had to focus on the rebuilding of the nuclear plants. Nevertheless, the TPP members still believed that, despite the tragedy that had incapacitated Japan, it could at least make fundamental agreement with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. The Japanese participation in TPP is of immense significance for the TPP considering the economic power and the impact Japan has in the region of Asia Pacific. To this end, Japanese participation in TPP will enhance the Japan-US trade relationship by offering a platform for resolving their long standing issues related to economic competition. This participation will also involve economic giants that represent more than 36% of the world GDP in the trade re lationship in a dynamic region (Surhone). Importance of Japanese Participation in TPP The early commitment of Japan to the TPP would be a crucial short-term indication to the entire world that Japanese are open to do business. On the other hand, in the long-term, the Japanese participation in TPP would be a terrific boost to its economic development and recovery that would usher in economic reorganization in key zones making the economy be much more dynamic and make Japan an attractive investment ground. Considering the international concern on radiation pollution of Japanese products, scientific standards will offer protection against biased discrimination. Consequently, the USJBC has offered a lot of support for the Japanese participation in TPP on condition that Japan is ready to abide to the terms and condition stipulated by TPP partners. The present TPP partners have agreed to get into an agreement so as to attain the century agreement on trade that is comprehensive in coverage and scope of agriculture. The 21st century agreement is inclusive in its commitment to the standards for investment and trade liberalization that entails tariff beyond the regional barrier that tends to inhabit trade activities (Commission).
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Deforestation Review of Literature - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1166 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Ecology Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Literature review: Deforestation is not a new phenomenon and it has been continued since centuries but its repercussions were not known in the medieval or later periods. Its repercussions have shown great diversity of threats not only to mankind but also to the earth and the scientists and other organizations have been keenly working on its limitations. There are some parts of the earth which are richer in forests than the rest of the world and Amazon is one of them. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Deforestation: Review of Literature" essay for you Create order In Amazon deforestation is taking place at extensive level and there are no precautions being taken in this regard many researches have shown the abyssal magnitude of the issue. Gabrielle Ferreira Pires and Marcos Heil Costa have rightly said that the deforestation in the Amazon can alter the climate of the region and they are of the view that the deforestation can result in to the bioclimatic envelop such as savannas. Using the research conducted by Gabrielle Ferreira Pires and Marcos Heil Costa can be of very much help in the research regards as they have researched the precipitation effects and the sub regional effects of deforestation separately. (Pires Costa, 2013) Similarly carbon emission at extensive level and forest conversion and wood harvesting are not in equilibrium in the Amazon and the research conducted by Masek, Cohen, Leckie, and Wulder has shown the rates of extraction of the carbon di oside from the factories and other organizations and also the rate of defo restation. They have also given the intent about the Aforestation and reforestation which can change the cliamtic structure. They have discussed elaborately the climate changes occuring in the Amazon due to excessive carbon di oxide emission and this research can be helpful while researching for the deforestation in the Amzaon. (Masek, Cohen, Leckie, Wulder, 2011) The dire need of wood is also important and the wood products which are circulated throughout the world are also essential yet living in good and healthy conditions is most important and Page, Werf, Morton, and Pereira have given in insight n this subject by telling that the forests of the Amazon are less suitable for such commodities and hence they should not be wiped of from the earth as they are of lesser use than the wood found else where in the world. They have given reasons and arguments about their research and this research can be of great help while reseraching for deforestation in Amazon. (Page, Werf, Morton, Pereira, 2010) R. E. Dickinson and his fellows have given the tropical conditions of the Amazon area and the flora and fauna of the Amazon has been discussed. The research which they have conducted can be used in the research for the deforestation of the Amazon as their research can help in many regards from climatic attitude of Amazon to types of plants present in the forests of the Amazon.(Pitman, Henderson-Sellers, Dickinson, Durbidge, KennedyK., 1993). On the same note, an extensive research has been conducted which was for the carbon stocks and fluxes and this research was conducted during the time period of 1985-2009. This shows the amount of research work which has been incorporated in the research by the group of scholars including Toomey, Roberts, Caviglia-Harris, and Cochrane. Their research work can be modified and used in the deforestation in amazon research work. (Toomey, Roberts, Caviglia-Harris, Cochrane, 2013) Talking about forest vegetation in Amazon, Debo rah Lawrence has given an abstract which shows that the vegetation in the forests in Amazon can impact upon the surroundings to a great extent and this also shows that the process of deforestation is harmful for the climate of Amazon. The research has been conducted in this manner that there are expert opinions as well as suggestions for the climate of the Amazon and this research can be used in the research paper of deforestation in Amazon. (Runyan, DOdorico, Lawrence, 2012) An explanation with regards to rainy season in Amazon has been given in a research paper which shows the diurnal range of rainfall in the amazon and the effects of deforestation on the rainfall. This research elaborates the impacts of deforestation on the climate of the Amazon and its surroundings and the typical climate of amazon is changing with the changing times. (Butt, Oliveira, Costa, 2011). R. Yang and G. K. Walker have also researched on the same phenomenon like Nathalie Butt and others did and sai d that the rainy season in the Amazon has decreased to a greater low. In furtherance they have showed through their research that reforestation in the Amazon can only happen if deforestation is stopped at first phase and evapotranspiration decrease which will cause more rains. This research can be used in the deforestation in Amazon research paper. (Sud, Yang, Walker, 1996). Another research in this regard has been conducted adding to the previous research a comparison of the wet season in the Amazon with a dry season in the Amazon. The authors have conducted a thorough research which has showed that deforestation in the Amazon and its suburbs has disturbed the ecology of the suburbs and the Amazon itself to a relatively greater extent and the wet season which was deemed to stay away from Amazon has been being experienced in the Amazon. (Biggs, Dunne, Domingues, Martinelli, 2002) Bibliography Biggs, T. W., Dunne, T., Domingues, T. F., Martinelli, L. A. (2002). Relative influence of natural watershed properties and human disturbance on stream solute concentrations in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon basin. Water Resources Research, pp 251-255. Butt, N., Oliveira, P. A., Costa, M. H. (2011). Evidence that deforestation affects the onset of the rainy season in Rondonia, Brazil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 1545-1560. Masek, J. G., Cohen, W. B., Leckie, D., Wulder, M. A. (2011). Recent rates of forest harvest and conversion in North America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 158-184. Numata, I., Cochrane, M. A., Roberts, D. A. (2010). Biomass collapse and carbon emissions from forest fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, pp 365-398. Page, Y. L., Werf, G. R., Morton, D. C., Pereira, J. M. (2010). Modeling fire-driven deforestation potential in Amazonia under current and projec ted climate conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, pp 225-246. Pires, G. F., Costa, M. H. (2013). Deforestation causes different subregional effects on the Amazon bioclimatic equilibrium. Geophysical Research Letters, 3618à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"3623. Pitman, M. J., Henderson-Sellers, A., Dickinson, R. E., Durbidge, T. B., KennedyK., P. J. (1993). Tropical deforestation: Modeling local- to regional-scale climate change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , pp 7289à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"7315. Runyan, C. W., DOdorico, P., Lawrence, D. (2012). Physical and biological feedbacks of deforestation. Reviews of Geophysics, pp 224-245. Sud, Y. C., Yang, R., Walker, G. K. (1996). Impact of in situ deforestation in Amazonia on the regional climate: General circulation model simulation study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, pp 7095à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"7109. Toomey, M., Roberts, D. A., Caviglia-Harris, J., Cochrane, M. A. (2013). Long-term, high -spatial resolution carbon balance monitoring of the Amazonian frontier: Predisturbance and postdisturbance carbon emissions and uptake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, pp 400à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"411.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss - 1386 Words
Name of the Wind: Grief Theory In Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss gives life to The Four Corners of Civilization through his storytelling. Storytelling gives the author an opportunity to show their experiences and reflect their beliefs within the world they are creating. During the time this book was being written, there was the Iraq and Afghanistan War taking place which had been sending many soldiers back home with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Rothfuss parallels this disorder within his book through the main character, Kvothe, when he experiences trauma and he shows how Kvothe copes with the persisting trauma through grief theory, â€Å"four doors of the mind†(135) . His four doors of the mind is similar to the Kubler-Ross Model, which is widely accepted by practitioners, but challenges it by believing the mind copes with pain through the central idea of numbing. However, this mindset of categorizing emotions experienced within grief can be destructive behavior towards any griever rather than helping them cope; stages of post-loss grief do not exist. A little background: PTSD is a psychological disorder formed from traumatic experiences that involves physical harm or the threat of physical harm that make the person feel stressed or frightened when they are no longer in danger. Signs and symptoms of PTSD can be grouped into three categories: Re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance symptoms, and hyper arousal symptoms . The main treatment for this is psychotherapy orShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The First Ones 1562 Words  | 7 PagesThe First Ones 1. Introduction Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Names of the Wind, said this about words, â€Å"Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts†(Rothfuss, ch.86). What are words? Words are powerful. They have meaning. Words are defined as ways feelings are express and influence is spread. Throughout history, questions like, â€Å"What is justice?†and â€Å"How do we justifyRead MoreThe Name Of The Wind Essay1925 Words  | 8 PagesIn â€Å" The Name of the Wind†Patrick Rothfuss once said, â€Å" It’s like everyone tells a story themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.†Our identity is what we know ourselves by how others view us in the world. Their many identities that we have some examples are race, gender, fashion, class, sexuality, etc. All these identities shape the way we think, act, and view the world. We may not know it, but our identities
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Einstein’s Response to Phyllis Free Essays
Albert Einstein considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century hopes to accurately respond to Phyllis’s letter that asked him whether scientists prayed and if they did what did they pray about. Einstein’s response is rhetorically accurate in the fact that he lets Phyllis know the answer to her question in an understandable manner and is not abrupt. Einstein’s audience is a sixth-grade student so he answered his question by saying â€Å"no†in a kind way. We will write a custom essay sample on Einstein’s Response to Phyllis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The writer Einstein uses pathos and logos to allow his point to clearly shine; he also uses simplistic diction to recreate his audiences understanding. Einstein addresses Phyllis personally and simply, he does not refer to anyone else. When Einstein declares that â€Å"scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the actions of people,†he involves his passion for science and what his ideas are based upon appealing to the passion of his audience.Einstein also speaks of man’s modest powers and about feeling humble whether in the face of a superior spirit or nature especially when he states â€Å"a spirit vastly convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe –a spirit vastly superior to that of a man, and one in the face of which we, with our modest powers must feel humble. †The writer Einstein looks at both sides of the argument and admits that scien ce is imperfect. He relates the laws of nature to a sort of faith. He assumes that most people have a belief in a â€Å"higher power†regardless of its manifestation, meaning he is offering logic to Phyllis.For the reason that Einstein addresses Phyllis a sixth-grade student his diction is simple to a degree that it makes sense to her. Einstein’s plain diction explains his answer to Phyllis’s question with word such as â€Å"simply†and â€Å"reason†. Because Phyllis is only a junior high attendee he has to assure that what he writes to her makes complete sense but is still easy enough for her to comprehend his answer and he is fully aware of this when he writes â€Å"I have tried to respond to your question as simply as I could. In all of his answer he very much accurately uses rhetorical language to respond to Phyllis’s question about whether scientists pray and if so, what do they pray about. He appeals to logos and pathos in his letter, allowing his audience a sixth grade student comprehends his answer . Einstein uses plain diction to ensure that Phyllis does not become confused and can know what Einstein was trying to convey across. How to cite Einstein’s Response to Phyllis, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of Manufacturing and Services Sectors †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Manufacturing and Services Sectors. Answer: Introduction Cloud computing is a technology that is used for delivery of information technology related services in which the resources can be recovered from the internet with the help of web based tools and applications through the direct connection of a server. Instead of storing the files as no proprietary and hard drive or local storage device, cloud based storage, the cloud based storage makes it accessible to the remote database. Until the electronic device is able to access the web it is required for it to access the data for the software programs to run it (Rittinghouse Ransome, 2016). The reason behind calling it cloud computing because the data and information that is able in the cloud computing can be found in the the cloud and there is no need for the user to specifically placed in order it is accessible. The companies that specialize in providing the cloud services let the users to store the files and applications that are on the remote servers so that later on all the data can be accessed from the web (Oliveira, Thomas Espadanal, 2014). Cloud computing is a very popular trending these days and many companies. It is provided by many companies, this research will focus on the concept of cloud computing and later on benefits and challenges of cloud computing. The readers will get a clear picture about cloud computing after this research paper and will also able to judge to what extent is cloud computing beneficial or harmful (Juels, Oprea Bowers, 2017). Benefits of cloud computing for business Cost effective- Cloud computing is one the most cost effective methods for utilizing, sustaining and upgrade. Traditionally desktop software are too costly for the business. When the licensing cost is added for many users it proves to be costlier for the business but the clod computing is slightly cheaper. There is one-time payment option that is available which is very reasonable for the business to utilize (Avram, 2014). Security- Although there are so many cases of security breaches of cloud computing, still there are many arguments that it much more safer than the house computing. Manageability- The management of cloud computing is very simple with the help of central administration of the resources, it helps in vendor managed infrastructure and SLA backed contracts. There is updating of information technology system and the maintenance are completely this happens because the service provider removes all the resources (Fernando, Loke Rahayu, 2013). Down time- This particular feature is considered as one of the negative features of cloud computing, there is no such provider of cloud computing who would say that they can resist the service outages. Since the cloud-computing program is internet based this signifies that accessibility of business depends upon internet connection. The hardware of cloud computing often fails like all other hardware. Till the time there is no internet connection, it is impossible for the business to carry out any activities in cloud computing. The robust data plan can solve this issues but only for some time. The cellular service is viable in absence of internet access and power cuts (Bera, Misra Rodrigues, 2015). Vulnerable to attacks- Each requirement of the cloud computing is designed for the internet. It is a very well known fact that nothing that is connected to the internet is not secure, even the best teams fails to manage the security breaches and cyber attacks. The data storage in the cloud makes the business more likely to the get attacked by hackers and threats. There are always chances that there is lurking of the stealth of the data that are sensitive (Apostu et al.,2013) Inflexibility- The cloud computing software is not flexible and this is a very serious issue for the business. Only few vendors allow easy transfer and conversion of the data in to other methods. Research Questions/Hypothesis What are the different advantages of the use of cloud computing for a business? What are the different disadvantages of cloud computing for a business? Whether business should prefer applications of cloud computing? How cloud computing can be used? How cloud computing is better than the other software, why it should be preferred by business ? In this research, mainly primary data will be collected. The researcher will conduct interview sessions through Skype in order to collect the qualitative data. As stated by Mackey Gass (2015), qualitative data are mainly observational data and it cannot be measured. The researcher is going to interview to senior managers in order to collect the data about cloud computing. The researcher is going to make 5 open-ended questions to ask senior managers about advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing in the arena of their business. Sampling technique: The population of the qualitative research will be senior managers of IT-based Australian businesses. The researcher will conduct interviews to 3 senior managers; hence, the sample size of qualitative research will be 3. The researcher is going to use non-probability sampling technique in qualitative research. In non-probability sampling, the samples are gathered in a way that does not provide all the sampling individuals in the population equal opportunity of being selected (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). As the sample size is only 3, non-probability sampling will be best for this research. In qualitative research, the data should be valid and credible as the researcher will be collecting the observational data of the interviewees, the researcher will cross-check the data that the interviews are going to provide. Credibility is the element of the validity of the data with natural phenomenon, observations and standards. Qualitative research is mainly involved with the interviewee's insights, the validity of data should be checked. Transferability is related to the external validity as the data are mainly generalised and based on assumption. Quantitative research In order to collect quantitative data, the researcher is going to conduct the survey. Before conducting the survey, the researcher will prepare 12 close-ended multiple type questions. According to Flick (2015), quantitative data is mainly numerical data that are collected from the respondents and these data can be measured. The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the employees of IT based companies in Australia. The researcher will upload the survey questionnaire on the Facebook community page. The researcher is aiming to collect quantitative data from 75 employees of IT-based organisations in Australia. The findings of the quantitative research will be given in tables. The collected data will be presented through excel bar graph and pie charts. The researcher aims to collect survey data from 75 employees, hence the sample size will be 75 for quantitative research. The sample population of the research is the employees of IT-based organisations in Australia. The researcher will use simple random sampling technique in conducting the survey. As stated by Silverman (2016), simple random sampling is a subset of the population in which each individual of the subset can get the equal probability of being chosen. In the quantitative research, the transferability is subjective and validity of the study is depended mainly on the collection of the data. The collected data will be reliable as the researcher will only collect those replies which would be given by the researcher of all 12 questions. Quantitative research needs the features of reliability due to repeatability to become reliable as same options are given to all. Conformability is the degree to which respondents must corroborate with the options and they can impact on findings. The limitations of the research is that it does not give important technical details about cloud computing. How cloud computing can be used has not been described by the literature making it difficult for the readers to understand how is it better than house computing. There is not much comparison between cloud computing and other software used by the businesses, which was very much required for the readers. Time Schedule (Research plan) Detail Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Project Proposal Literature review Research design Data collection Data analysis Final project report Conclusion Cloud computing has many benefits, it is cost effective, it management is simple and it is very much safer than the house computing. Although there are certain disadvantages to the cloud computing like it is completely dependent on the internet accessibility and power. One cannot access it when there is no internet connection. It is safer than house computing but this does not mean that it is not vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks. Clod computing is used by many businesses because they find it very simple for management. With the help of cloud computing lot of information can be stored in the internet of the cloud which can be later retrieved. The following paper will help the readers to understand the concept of cloud computing, they will also understand its benefits and the risks of cloud computing to a business. References Apostu, A., Puican, F., Ularu, G. E. A. N. I. N. A., Suciu, G., Todoran, G. (2013). Study on advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computingthe advantages of Telemetry Applications in the Cloud.Recent Advances in Applied Computer Science and Digital Services. New York: Wseas,200, 118-123. Avram, M. G. (2014). Advantages and challenges of adopting cloud computing from an enterprise perspective.Procedia Technology,12, 529-534. Bera, S., Misra, S., Rodrigues, J. J. (2015). Cloud computing applications for smart grid: A survey.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,26(5), 1477-1494. Fernando, N., Loke, S. W., Rahayu, W. (2013). Mobile cloud computing: A survey.Future generation computer systems,29(1), 84-106. Flick, U. (2015).Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. London: Sage. Juels, A., Oprea, A., Bowers, K. D. (2017). Security Issues for Cloud Computing [3].Meta,4(5). Mackey, A., Gass, S. M. (2015).Second language research: Methodology and design. Abingdon: Routledge. Oliveira, T., Thomas, M., Espadanal, M. (2014). Assessing the determinants of cloud computing adoption: An analysis of the manufacturing and services sectors.Information Management,51(5), 497-510. Rittinghouse, J. W., Ransome, J. F. (2016).Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press. Sadiku, M. N., Musa, S. M., Momoh, O. D. (2014). Cloud computing: opportunities and challenges.IEEE potentials,33(1), 34-36. Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2016).Qualitative research. London: Sage. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons.
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